Rohit's Realm - September 2006

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September 19, 2006

The Principles of Discontentment

I was recently asked what, in retrospect, may possibly be the single most poignant question one can ask another human being: What in this life do you live for? Put another way—a way that is more appropriate for an article on rohitsrealm.comwhy is it that you have not yet killed yourself and put everyone out of their collective miseries?

September 06, 2006

Autumn in the Air

Perhaps it was this weekend's football games, or maybe it was the gentle chill in the morning air, or perhaps all the kids I saw trudging to school this morning, backpacks slung low across their shoulders, but I awoke today with the distinct and unmistakable feeling that autumn was upon us. Now, I realize that it's not really autumn until September 23 this year, but seasons in California are more a state of mind than anything else, anyway.

September 12, 2006

Random Thoughts Before Sleeping

For most of past four years I have kept this blog, I have shied away from the meandering posts commonly seen on the very Xangas and Live Journals I routinely mock. However, today, I felt an urge to blog about various disparate thoughts and see no alternative to the very thesis-less entry I abhor.

September 25, 2006

The Curse of an Overly Analytical Mind

Have you ever engaged in an experience with the full knowledge that it would be the last time you ever experience it? How did that change that experience? Is there a fundamental duality between engaging in an experience—physically, mentally, emotionally—and garnering an understanding of the implications of that experience? Does a Heisenberg-esque Uncertainty Principle exist in social interactions as much as it does in quantum mechanics?

September 03, 2006

Coming Full Circle (or 270° At Least)

Some of you may have noticed that over this weekend, heretofore private albums in my photo gallery suddenly became public—sort of. This was not a mistake, nor did my site get hacked. After all the fanfare only nine months ago, why did I suddenly reverse my position regarding privacy of photographs?