Rohit's Realm - January 2004

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January 06, 2004

New Look for the New Year

You're looking at a brand new version of to go along with a brand new Rohit, altered from the inside out. First, and most importantly, let me talk about the site. If you're not concerned with this and only want to read about my New Year's resolutions and stupid shit like that, skip down.

January 11, 2004

Olfactory Assault

The repugnant odor pervaded my nostrils once again, bringing my waning Winter Break to an abrupt and unapologetic end. I was back in Berkeley. And for the first time in a long time, I longed for the fresh air, immaculately mowed lawns, bright sunshine, and brisk breeze of Orange County, which I had left behind only an hour before. But it was already gone - a brief, nostalgic remembrance in a mind trained by years of effort to concentrate on the six months of toil that lay ahead. Six months of unending work, intolerable assignments, and enough bullshit to drown a hundred people in a tidal wave of pointless excursions. The escalator moved unrelentlessly upwards. I was wedged between suitcases and two large, immobile women. I breathed deeply again. "Yeah! That's it! Berkeley. I love the smell of shit in the morning!" (By the way, did you know they are re-releasing Apocalypse Now?) Without another thought, I grabbed my suitcase and stepped off the escalator with a purposeful step, into the compost heap whirlpool designed to destroy me.

January 25, 2004

First Impressions (Spring 2004)

Last spring, I decided to document my first impressions of my classes, so it could be contrasted with my end-of-the-semester reviews, but that tradition quickly died when I forgot to talk about my classes this fall. However, in an effort to resurrect this tradition, this entry will be dedicated to my first impressions (academics and beyond) of the upcoming semester.

January 17, 2004

The Awful Truth

For many months now, I have been investigating a very unusual phenomenon, and having drawn my conclusions, I feel it is imperative that I share my findings with the populace at large. Despite the severity of my inferences, this is not the time for tact or subtleties, so I'm just going to say it: little kids are whack!. They look like humans, more or less, but don't let their clever disguises deceive you. While displaying all physical attributes traditionally associated with the human species, they behave in a manner which is incomprehensible, unpredictable, and indeterminate. Having had numerous close encounters (of the third kind) in the last few months, I can now confidently say that the little kids are probably one of the scariest things out there in that big, bad world!